The 12th WOOD CONFERENCE will be hybrid

After eleven years of positive reactions the success story of the Wood Conference continues on-site and virtually on the 28th February 2023.

Wood Conference initiator George Kuratle and the organization team are pleased to be able to organize the popular event, in a hybrid format. Speakers from South Africa, Europe, America and Switzerland will speak about interesting projects and sustainable building solutions.

The Wood Conference Cape Town recognized itself as one of the most important conferences in sustainable construction. For years interested people from South Africa and Internationally attended this first-class neutral networking platform offering the possibility for professions in the built environment, students and the general society to expand their knowledge and get inspiration for wood and sustainable building solutions.

The aim of the conference is to support local architects in the promotion of wood in sustainable construction, the exchange of ideas, information, and inspiration on the topic of wood.

Get inspired – join the 12th WOOD CONFERENCE!
